In a land where nothing comes easy except for death and betrayal. One young Man is faced with a decision-to fight for his life and the survival of his name or to run! Unlikely alliances will guide him through trials that will show him the true meaning of friendship, loyalty, honor and even death. After the ruthless slaying of his father, young Legrand is left with no choice but to fight for, protect and carry on a legacy that he was not born into but destined for.
You can watch LeGrand via the link below on YouTube
Director: Ben Christensen
DP: Dusty Sousley
Editor: Emerson Senseman
Music: Luke Despain
Narrator: Gerry Gesell
Colorist: Aaron Burns
Feature Film: 75 minutes
For LeGrand, I was not on duty as a DP but was on-site for four shooting days as part of a workshop. I captured various behind-the-scenes video footage, photos, and recordings of different film scenes. Below, you'll find film stills from scenes I shot, and further down, behind-the-scenes photos from the shooting days.

Behind-the-Scenes Moments from the LEGRAND Set